Music marketing and Social Media Tips: So Unique Entertainment LLC

Claim your royalties. Music podcast, psychology marketing tips, and some insight for fashion models and brand ambassadors. Click here --> Need to know. If you are in music, we recommend the book "All you need to know about the music business" by Donald Passman. Nonreader: the link is for you. We help with monetization and music registration.

Shop with us today. Support mental health and artists. (all links open in new window).

Goodies and freebies: Marketing and social media. Do this for growth! (social media)
On Tiktok, post often and have fun.
Go Live about services you offer and your music.
Do polls and stories on Instagram to drive more engagement.
Instagram reels are important and following the trend a website is pushing.
Use your real voice over videos.
Popular songs can help drive traffic(people) to your posts (put the song on low volume).
Make photos into motion videos (we can help with that).
Video responses are tiktok are great.

Learn more and/or contact us 8505864175
Powerpoints and webinars for those ready to start:
Go live! In person engagements are great. Run small ads to know what works first. 50$ minimum on tiktok.
Limit politics, but run ads when profile receives low engagement from the algorithm (it is planned).
Mindset and marketing: HerSuiteSpot
So Unique offers a long form course that is about 45 minutes long for those looking to create a business, find your passion, learn social media and email marketing, and some ecommerce along with loopholes for other financial means. Today, we share a resource from HerSuiteSpot. If you like this post, feel free to comment and also check out the music we have posted.
Making Space for Grief with Joan Morgan and Daniel José Older
Grieving can take a lot out of anyone and when someone passes away, you may not seek help or know that you need more than just family, God, and a partner to talk to. Some circumstances call for more help while others can work their way through just like with many other life situations. Hope this helps someone. Feel free to comment and share.